IMG 1540

Online | Loose Parts Fridays: Festive Foraging
Collective PLAY




Loose Parts Fridays invites you to join us from your homes to follow your child’s lead and support them to try out their own ideas using loose parts and our thematic play prompts.

It’s our last Loose Parts Friday before we take a Christmas break: wrap up warm because we’re heading outside for some festive foraging! After gathering materials from nature, we’ll be giving you some ideas for handmade Christmas decorations to hang on your tree.

Some tips for foraging:

  • Try to gather only things that have fallen naturally, rather than cutting samples from a living plant. You’d be surprised how much you can find on the ground when you look!
  • Make sure not to disturb the habitats of birds or other animals
  • Only take when there’s plenty: if you can only see one or two of something, best to leave it there.

Once you have your foraged materials, try tying them together with string to make shapes – how about a star or snowflake? Bundles of greenery tied up with string can also be added to wrapped Christmas presents as a decoration!

If you're local to Edinburgh, check out our Festive Fix long weekend, where you will find Robin's Riddles a new seasonal trail.