2 Collective Development for DANCE IN THE SACRED DOMAIN Courtesy of the artist

Artist Performance



10 Aug 2023  


Collective, beginning at Hillside Gallery

As part of his exhibition, DANCE IN THE SACRED DOMAIN at Collective, Rabindranath X Bhose presents a new performance work: DANCE IN THE SACRED DOMAIN: Body of the Bog. This solo dance, performed by the artist on Thursday 10 August, will move from the Hillside gallery space in which the exhibition is being shown, then out and around the Collective site.

Rabindranath will dance as one with the body of the bog, encircling the sparkling pools and supporting structures within the exhibition space. The filmed glimpses of dance within the exhibition will crystallise in the body of the artist as he moves into the open, taking on the movements of a bog body come to life. This performance will create a ritual moment to embody the joy and fluidity of the ‘gender fugitive’, a figure Rabindranath has developed for this performance, inspired by the histories of the sacrificed bog bodies.

Running for approximately 15 minutes, the performance will take place wind or shine, so please come dressed for all weathers. Audience members are invited to view the performance either by sitting in Collective’s Play Shelter, from which they will be able to glimpse the start and end of the performance; following the artist on his journey; or situating themselves somewhere along the path, and waiting for the performer to make his way to them.

Event information

When: Thursday 10 August, 1.30-1.45pm (please arrive approximately 15 minutes early to secure your spot)

Where: starting at the Hillside gallery space and moving out and around the Collective site

Tickets: Free, unticketed

Access: read more about access at Collective here.