29 March 2016, 6pm
Andy Lawrence, Regius Professor of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh talked about the science and history behind asterisms, constellations, and star clusters. Artist James N Hutchinson presented some of the research behind Rumours of a New Planet, a project that uses the structure of an asterism to research the life, work and travels of historical figures connected to Calton Hill.
James N Hutchinson is based in Glasgow where he is undertaking a PhD at the Glasgow School of Art. Exhibitions and curatorial projects include: Voices from the Archive, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, 2016; All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, with Jeremy Deller, Hayward Touring, London, 2013; Proposal For A Warehouse or Towards A Museum Of Reorganisation (Skye/Istanbul/Beijing), part of How to Turn the World by Hand, Collective, Edinburgh, and PiST, Istanbul, 2011.
Andy Lawrence is the Regius Professor of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh. He works at the Institute for Astronomy, which together with the UK Astronomy Technology Centre makes up the Royal Observatory Edinburgh(ROE). The Institute for Astronomy is part of the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University, which is part of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance. Professor Lawrence' research interests are in Active Galactic Nuclei, observational cosmology, survey astronomy, and e-science (the Virtual Observatory).
Ongoing, Off-Site, Constellations: James N Hutchinson, Rumours of a New Planet
Constellations Programme is a series of off-site, research-based commissions that aim to bring people together to develop ideas and partnerships. This programme of commissions will include discussions, screenings, and walks, providing opportunities for artists and audiences to engage with our locality and consider new ways for people to work together.
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This is an archived programme entry.