Thomas Aitchison developed a new series of paintings and an installation titled Drag a File Here, as part of Satellites Programme 2015. The small-scale, delicately painted works stem from a host of imagery including landscapes, food and corporate insignia. Employing a filter-like effect to the images and painting on dustsheets dotted with marks from previous use, the work explored the frictions between ground and image, systematic and accidental mark making. Using materials and tools that commonly support but are edited out of exhibition design Drag a File Here brought the process and materiality of the ‘backstage’ to the fore.
Download the exhibition information here
Watch the Summerhall TV video with our Director, Kate Gray, here
Read the Satellites 2015 Publication here
Satellites Programme is Collective’s development programme for emergent artists and producers based in Scotland. 2015 participants were: Georgia Horgan, Thomas Aitchison, France-Lise McGurn, Scott Rogers and Hardeep Pandhal
This is an archived programme entry.