This symposium explored what it means to "love work", and how our willingness to work, or the expectation to be passionate and enthusiastic at work, can have significant implications on how we perform as artists and cultural workers.
A Labour of Love Workshop
A Labour of Love began with a small morning workshop for 15 participants with Jenny Richards, addressing issues of artistic and cultural labour through readings, discussion and shared activities.
A Labour of Love Symposium
A Labour of Love - a public symposium stimulating discussions about the practical experiences of art working and the impact of post-crash economics on art and ideas. With contributors including artists Marianne Flotron, The Alternative School of Economics (Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck) and Rehana Zaman this afternoon of presentations, films and discussion reflected on contemporary labour and how the work of the artist is tied to wider economic and political shifts.
The income from ticket sales for this event helped to commission a publication and performance by Work-Love-Leaving, a collaboration between Amelia Bywater, Liam Casey and Gesa Helms.
Download the information handout from the day
Archive, Events, Off-Site: Publication Launch, Canapés, 19 May 2016, 9pm
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This is an archived programme entry.