

Jack McConville

21 January – 19 February 2012

Exhibitions New Work Scotland Programme

Jack McConville works primarily in painting, creating images in open dialogue with art history and informed by contemporary cultural imagery. Within his works, the surface shifts between abstraction and figuration; objects and figures are rendered as graphic signs stripped of either expressive or descriptive intentions. Representational systems employed by Modernism are juxtaposed with those of 80’s video games, in the examination of the continual shifting between the sign, the signified and the gap that separates them.

Jack presented new series of works exploring ideas of the self, identity and the body, and how these relate to private/public representations of the individual. The idea of the faux-luxurious interior of the spa that acts ostensibly outside of society's remit, was examined as a non-site wherein the individual can propagate actions of self negation and debasement. These ritualistic acts are played out as a masochistic process of liberation from an identity enforced by societal pressure. Locked within the picture plane the figures resided between events, temporarily freed from time and consequence, in the confines of the spa.

Read the New Writing Scotland text by Jasmin Bray Triance here

Read the New Work Scotland 2011/12 publication here

New Work Scotland Programme was an initiative launched by Collective in 2000. Through an open call, New Work Scotland Programme identified and supported some of the most promising new artists working in Scotland - providing them with the opportunity to create new work and bring it to the attention of a wider public. The 2011/12 participants were Gordon Schmidt,
Rhianna Turnbull, Amelia Bywater & Christian Newby, Florrie James, Oliver Braid, Joey Villemont, Ash Reid
and Jack McConville

New Writing Scotland grew out of New Work Scotland Programme and was initiated in 2004 in collaboration with Edinburgh College of Art's Centre for Visual and Cultural Studies, to promote creative writing about the visual arts coupled with targeted support to the exhibiting artists - providing them with them with their first artists text.

This is an archived programme entry.

Full Collective Opening 29th Feb 2024 HIGH RES FILES 41

Exhibition Preview | Jerwood Survey III


27 Feb 2025

Aqsa Arif, Marvi and the Churail, 2024 Installation view at Southwark Park Galleries, London. Photo Rita Silva.

Jerwood Survey III


28 Feb 2025 — 4 May 2025