


13 October – 25 November 2012

Exhibitions Events

Research project initiated by Sarah Tripp

Adaptation was a phased, year-long research project, initiated by Sarah Tripp with Collective, including contributions from Banu Cennetoglu & Philippine Hoegen, Maria Fusco, and Dominic Paterson. The project considered the effect that change can have on form and content - this was particularly pertinent at the time when Collective was in its own process of adaption, preparing to move from Cockburn Street to a new site in the City Observatory on Calton Hill in 2013.

During Adaptation, each project was introduced through a presentation in Collective’s Guest Room and a series of events through May devised by each participant. These events highlighted or advanced their research, making the usually private world of research, public. Adaptation eventually culminated in a group exhibition at Collective at the end of 2012 featuring work by each of the participants.


Excavate and be Damned?, 12 May 2012, 2—5pm.
The White Horse, Back Room, Royal Mile.
A lively round table discussion chaired by writer Neil Cooper and include writer, publisher (Rebel Inc), and activist Kevin Williamson and Philippine Hoegen and Banu Cennetoglu. The discussion will take a work by the deceased artist Masist Gül (1947 - 2003, Istanbul) as its starting point.

Water, Sand, Food, Miniature Houses, Dressing up clothes, Books, Paint, Climbing frames, Puzzles, Animals and Winnicott, 19 May 2012, 2—4.30pm.
Cowgate Under 5’s Center, 7 Old Assembly Close.
In this informal talk, child and adolescent psychotherapist Francesca Calvocoressi will introduce common materials used in childhood play from a psychotherapist perspective, and link her professional experience to the theoretical concepts of play, creativity, transitional space and the true self as described by the child psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott. Francesca Calvocoressi was invited by Sarah Tripp.

Professor Matthew Rampley invited by Dominic Paterson 20 May 2012, 3pm
Hawthornden Lecture Theatre at the Scottish National Gallery.
Professor Rampley, Barber Institute, University of Birmingham will introduce the pioneering work of art historian Aby Warburg (1866-1929), whose wide-ranging interests encompassed field research into Hopi Indian snake rituals alongside the study of Renaissance art. The scope of these interests is encapsulated in the eclectic library of the Warburg Institute (which he founded) and in his unfinished *Mnemosyne' project, an "art history without a text".

Screening Federico of Fellini's Cassanova, 27 May 2012, 1—4pm,
Edinburgh Film Guild Screening Room at the Filmhouse.
In her project for Adaptation Maria Fusco focuses on the filmic roles of Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, to write a new cycle of short stories.
Maria will present a screening of Federico Fellini's 1976 film Casanova, through the title story of her collection The Mechanical Copula, which gives voice to a mechanical doll and saves face for Sutherland.

Download the exhibition information here

Read the Adaptation publication here

This is an archived programme entry.

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