Roll It To Me featured artists working in film and video whose practice negotiates a relationship with a 'collective'. Works include a new film
commission by Pil and Galia Kollectiv which completes The Future Trilogy,
Erasure and So Small by Tim Etchells and Le PingPong d'Amour parts 1
and 2 by Team PingPong.
Pil and Galia Kollectiv are London based artists whose work explores
Utopian discourses of the twentieth century and the way they operate in
the context of a changing landscape of creative work and instrumentalised leisure. Their work Future Trilogy took a riot at the opening of a new IKEA store as the starting point for a speculative history of a fictional future.
Tim Etchells is an artist based in Sheffield and also artistic director of Forced Entertainment, the seminal theatre company who were formed in 1984. He showed two films in the gallery reception area, dealing with "live-ness and presence, the unfolding of events in time and space".
Team PingPong are both a fictional and real cinematic apartment-sharing
community based in Berlin. The quasi-collective is interested in the space
between Subsistenz and Subjonctiv. They presented Le PingPong d'Amour, an episodic mini-series satirising both the impracticality of idealist aspirations and the futility of realist conformism.
Symposium on collective artistic practices, recorded at Edinburgh College of Art, 13 March 2009
In recognition of Collective’s 25th anniversary and group exhibition Roll It To Me, invited speakers Will Bradley, Pil and Galia Kollectiv and Jochen Heilek discuss collective artistic practices in the 21st Century.
Download the exhibition information here.
This is an archived programme entry.