

Ellen Munro & Space 44

29 May 2007

Events Off-Site One Mile

Artist Ellen Munro collaborated with Space 44 for eight months, organising regular meetings and workshops in the Space 44 centre and at Collective. Through these sessions the group created a finely detailed and highly decorative appliqué banner that explores the use of personal imagery as a public statement. The banner and subsequent event was a celebration of the women’s collective achievements and highlighted the issues that their participants are affected by in public space.

To celebrate the completion of the banner, the event March to Parliament and Eat Cake! was held, and the banner was marched to the Scottish Parliament, where a tea party and rally with addresses by Malcolm Chisholm MSP and Joy Milliken from Space 44 were held on the lawn. Since, the banner has been exhibited at the Women’s Library in Glasgow and in Tramway, Glasgow. It is now permanently housed at Space 44 where it will be used on marches during the annual sixteen days of action against violence against women in Edinburgh.

Space 44 was part of the Ark Trust and is a women-only drop-in centre that offers advice, information, support and advocacy to women who have experience of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, benefit and housing issues.

Ellen Munro is a Edinburgh based artist. She graduated from the MFA at Edinburgh College of Art in 2004 Following her BA Fine Art Degree from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee (2002) Munro has exhibited widely, principally in Scotland.

One Mile was a three-year programme of nine projects that facilitated groups and individuals who live or work within a one mile radius of Collective, but are disadvantaged or feel excluded from the cultural life of the city centre, to collaborate with contemporary artists. The program will support the development of artworks that address the concerns, interests and needs of the groups including: Muslim women (DOSTI women’s groups and women’s circle at Edinburgh’s Central Mosque); school refusers (Working Together); young offenders (Sacro); young homeless (The Ark Trust and Moving On); and autistic students (Stevenson College).

This is an archived programme entry.

Collective Gallery and Calton Hill 2018 Photo Anna Henly

Doors Open Day


28 Sep 2024

Aly Wight

Friday Play: Autumn Term


6 Sep 2024 — 11 Oct 2024