Petra Bauer & SCOT-PEP, *Workers!*, film still, 2018.

Workers! Opens 13 April

Visit Collective this weekend for Workers! – a new film by Swedish artist and filmmaker Petra Bauer and SCOT-PEP, a sex-worker led organisation in Scotland.

First screened at Filmhouse as part of Collective’s launch in 2018, Workers! now returns to Collective as a film installation in the City Dome until 30.06.19. Taking a collective approach inspired by feminist film practitioners who emphasise the importance of making films with their subjects rather than about them, Workers! centres the voices of sex workers demanding to be seen as experts on their own labour and lives during a one-day occupation of the Scottish Trade Union Congress.

Alongside the film, there will be a banner made by SCOT-PEP and artist Fiona Jardine, inspired by the traditional iconography and craft of Trade Union banners and tapestries. In the Library, there will be a selection of written and audio materials generated during the process of making Workers!


Petra Bauer and SCOT-PEP